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Ozone Therapy, Oxygen Transport Boost

Written By Bersemangat on Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 | 17.36

Hypoxia or oxygen deficiency in tissues, is believed to trigger a variety of degenerative diseases and premature aging. Ozone bio-oxidative therapy aphaeresis could be a solution.

Abhimanyu (not her real name), manager in a private pharmaceutical company, pleaded devastated by the results of health examinations. 35-year-old man was found suffering from a narrowing of blood vessels of the heart, so that necessary actions coronary angioplasty. Abi previously experienced chest pain on the left and impaired sexual function due to erectile dysfunction (ED).

Abi very bad diet, so his weight reached 78 kg. He often consume excessive fat, smoking, and often drank alcohol. Her blood pressure was 170/90 mmHg, fasting blood sugar 89 mg / dl, total cholesterol 295 mg / dl, triglycerides 245 mg / dl, HDL is 25 mg / dl, while LDL 175 mg / dl.

Luckily, he got the information about ozone therapy from medical articles they read in a hospital. Abi also came Medizone Clinic, which provides services ozone bio-oxidative therapy aphaeresis.

Abi undergo ozone bio-oxidative therapy aphaeresis intensively with Dr.. Mulyadi Tedjapranata. He also repairs and eating lifestyle. He stopped smoking and drinking alcohol, and start exercising regularly.

The result, a new medical record showed an increase in the quality of healthcare. He is also able to perform normal sexual activity as before.

Delay Aging
The human body needs about 10,000 liters of oxygen per day to all the organs can function properly. Available oxygen in the air, especially in urban areas, a variety of toxic wastes was contaminated. As a result, the oxygen we breathe is not clean.

According to Drs. Mulyadi, exposure to pollution in Jakarta, plus an unhealthy living habits, making a variety of toxic substances, metabolic waste, and various free radicals accumulate in the body. As a result, oxygen levels in the blood becomes low.

Dr. Mulyadi revealed, a molecular biologist, Stepen A. Levine, Ph.D., proved that in any severe disease found low oxygen status. It is said, hypoxia, or oxygen deficiency in tissues, is believed to trigger a variety of degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Ozone therapy is believed to increase oxygen transport capacity of blood hemoglobin and increase the resilience and flexibility of red blood cells. Ozone therapy also form peroxides, including alkoxyl, peroxyl Radicals, singlet oxygen, ozonides, carbonyls, and alkens, which removes plaque causes narrowing of blood vessels for patients with hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia, which can trigger stroke and coronary heart disease.

Other uses of ozone therapy is to deactivate bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa by disrupting the membranes that cover the germs. Thus, the germs that cause hepatitis or herpes easy to destroy body cells.

Ozone therapy can also prevent premature aging by increasing free radical binding enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase), inhibits tumor cell metabolism, boost immunity, and stimulate the Krebs cycle reactions, which result in increased supply of ATP energy. "Energy is the energy source ATP to maintain the continuity of human life," he said.

Two Kinds of Therapy
At his clinic, Dr. Mulyadi offers two kinds of ozone therapy. First, Polyatomic Aphaeresis (PA). This method is termed as EBBO (Extracorporeal Blood Circulation Against O2-O3). The trick, taking blood from the vein in the arm, then running it into a special tube dialiser ozone given as needed.

"Blood therapy results returned to a vein in the other arm. With a flow rate of 90 cc per minute, within an hour can be treated with 5400 cc of blood, "said a member of World Association of Sexual Medicine.

Blood dibio-oxidation, the color is brighter because it contains more oxygen than before. In contrast, the content of free radicals and metabolic waste has been neutralized.

The second method, according to members of the Indonesian Association for Ozone Therapy, is the Auto Hemo therapy (AHT). With AHT method, only 150 cc of blood ejected from the vein, then immediately given the concentration of ozone with 27-40 mcg per ml. "After a bright red color, the blood immediately inserted into the vein," he said.

All the tools and machines used in this therapy is a German technology and has been patented in the United States. All medical devices are personal, sterile, and disposable, so it is safe to use. "There is no risk of contact with the blood of others," he said again.

Former head of the Information and Training in RS Sulianti Saroso advocates DM patients with impaired DE to undergo therapy as much as 10 times, with a span of time once a week. While smokers who want to cleanse his blood, enough to therapy five times.
17.36 | 0 komentar | Read More

Delay Aging Process, Is it possible?

Aging is a natural process that can not be circumvented anyone. Probably not many of you who care about the early signs of aging until the point that the mark is no longer ignored.

When entering the thirties or early forties, whether consciously or not actually has been a change in physical appearance of men. Try standing in front of the mirror. There may be strands of your hair is graying, wrinkles appear on the skin of the face or waist circumference increased. So what exactly happens when we begin to experience the aging process?

Many things about the aging process, which until now have not fully understood by experts. But one thing is sure, our bodies begin to experience fatigue. Some parts of the body's cells no longer have the updates as usual.

We take the skin as an example: As a teenager, aging skin tissue can be quickly replaced with new ones. But when stepping thirties, old skin tissue began to survive longer and longer. Genetic factors and a tendency to sunlight also determine how severe the damage will occur on the skin of your face or body.

Changes can also be seen from the hair. When aging threatens middle-aged men, hair color began to change with decreasing supply of pigment from the body. If men have a genetic tendency gray hair color, hair strand was going faster and make a head like a white powder sprinkled.

Metabolism decreases
In the twenties, the average body's metabolism actually already started to decline. Although still vague, the signs of aging actually already emerged such as thinning hair. Entering their thirties vital organs were decreased. The cells in the kidney, brain, heart muscle and eye lens is also no longer renew itself.

Aging in men is also caused by hormonal changes. This phenomenon occurs when they enter their late forties, when the onset of decline in testosterone levels. Testosterone apply as fertilizer is needed by the bones, muscles and brain in stimulating growth. When the supply is reduced, skeleton and muscle system gradually becomes weaker.

Stress factor is also another reason for the cause of aging. Many men have to live day by day with the pressure and stress either at home or work. This can lead to damage to the heart and muscle tissue, thereby exacerbating the aging process.

Recipes ageless
How was the process of aging can not be avoided. However, you still can delay or slow down the process so they can stay young and feel your best at every stage of your life. Recipes to stay young is actually simple. Health experts always suggest a few things such as eating large enough portions, low fat intake, exercising regularly, protect the body from sunlight, relieve stress, stay mentally active and enjoy life.

- Low fat better
Slowing the process of metabolism in men aged late twenties cause fat deposits in the body easily occurs. Your waist circumference be easily enlarged if not clever regulate fat intake. Began to switch to low-fat diet. This does not mean no longer allowed to enjoy a delicious steak or hamburger. Consumption of foods in reasonable quantities are still allowed. But the point is you have started to change the pattern of intake of fatty foods and protein to vegetable, fruit or grain.

-Regular exercise
Exercise regularly five times semingga for about 30 minutes can increase your heart rate for 20 percent. Is actually not difficult to find time to exercise as long as there's a will. Bring your sneakers to work and use leisure time to eat with a walk for 45 minutes rather than out of the office to hang out in fast food. Regular exercise will make you more relaxed and happy, but also help you sleep better.

- Avoid UV
Exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun can aggravate the effects of aging on the skin. The most effective way to prevent wrinkling or puckering of the skin is always trying to protect skin and body from direct sunlight stings when going out. Use clothing or a cap that can prevent the skin from the sun or apply sunscreen (sun protection factor) SPF.

- Reduce stress
To reduce stress, you may need something as simple as simple as when you run away from the office for 15 minutes on weekdays. Get out of the office or home just to get some fresh air and unwind. But if you're facing a big problem would need more complex solutions as well.

- Stay young at heart
You've probably met a friend or friend who looks older than he really is. It was not just appear physically but even mentally as well as behavior, outlook on life, hobbies or general knowledge. Certainly not the same thing you want to experience and there are several ways to avoid it. Train the mind to continue to get used to reading so you do not miss the information but insight is also increasing. Go with a challenging hobby and take some time for entertainment. That way, the mental intelligence and learning capacity you can develop.
17.35 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ageing, Healthy, Happy

Generally, elderly and sick people consider it normal and should happen. In fact, nearly everyone believes, we age is determined by God. In fact, there are many factors that cause people to become old, ill and then die.

Cause Aging
Internal factors:
• Free radicals
• Hormones reduced
• Decreased immune system
• Methylation
• The process of glycosylation
• Genetic

External factors:
• unhealthy lifestyle
• Diet (diet) is not healthy
• Habits of
• Environmental pollution
• Stress
• Poverty

Immediate inhibitory Aging, trick ...
1. Live a healthy lifestyle such as:
• Regular exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week or almost every day.
• Asup healthy food: low in calories, lots of fruits and vegetables, adequate protein.
• Avoid and overcome stress.
• Avoid toxic materials (cigarettes, alcohol, pesticides, preservatives).
• There is a balance between activity and relaxation.
2. Be happy family life, including sexual life. Avoid unhealthy sexual behaviors.
3. Perform a job as a pleasure.
4. Live in an appropriate social environment conscience.
5. Strive to always think positive and optimistic.
6. Do not feel healthy and normal just because it did not suffer serious complaints.
7. Do not feel old and helpless.
8. Do not use drugs or herbs that have no scientific basis and without clear guidance of experts.
9. Perform periodic health checks are necessary and appropriate conditions of each
10. Use of drugs and supplements are required in accordance with the instructions of experts, to restore the function of various organs of the body decreases with age.
17.34 | 0 komentar | Read More

Teeth Toothless Old Fast Signs

HAVE teeth that have little or no natural teeth remaining single at age 70 years may be an early indication that you are aging too fast, it was reported on the results of research in Denmark.

¨ It is important to take seriously the poor dental health in communities at high risk of physical or behavioral decline in general, ¨ said Dr.. Paul Holm-Pedersen, of Copenhagen Gerotological Oral Health Research Center told Reuters Health, Wednesday (2 / 4).

An important finding of this study is the tooth seems closely related cases of paralysis or death at that age and increasing importance of clinical issues of prevention and care of elderly people (seniors), according to Holm-Pedersen and colleagues who reported his research in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

In his research, Pedersen involving about 573 men who did not experience paralysis and women aged 70 years living in Copenhagen in 1984. The number of remaining teeth on each participant is recorded as an important data.

At the beginning of the study, less than 20 percent of the elderly has about 20 teeth remaining, and more than 40 percent had no remaining teeth at all.

Experts determine the incidence or paralysis cases among participants through a variety of monitoring for 5, 10, 15 to 20 years. The death of the participants also recorded after monitoring about 21 years.

Compared with the elderly who are able to maintain 20 or more natural teeth, those with no teeth at all at the age of 70 years are significantly less likely prone to impaired mobility such as walking or climbing stairs in the next 5 to 10 years into the future.

Participants who had no teeth at the age of 70 were also associated with risk of death during the study period. This relationship is relatively strong when the experts take that into account with other factors potentially related to paralysis and death seeperti health and education issues.

¨ The date the teeth may be related to socioeconomic and behavioral factors are complex, ¨ said Holm-Pedersen.
17.33 | 0 komentar | Read More

Prevent Aging, Now!

Age may be increased. However, the face must remain fresh and young! To anticipate the arrival of wrinkles prematurely, do the following tips are easy applied daily.

1. Stop smoking. The nicotine content in cigarettes can accelerate the onset of wrinkles, especially at the end of the eyes, forehead, and the side of the lip. In addition, the skin will appear dull and rough.

2. Avoid the yo-yo syndrome. Prevent the increase and decrease in body weight (yo-yo syndrome) is too drastic, such as a too strict diet without balanced exercise and adequate nutrition.

3. Use a night cream. Before sleeping, do not forget to clean the rest of makeup all over face and neck, then smeared a night cream and eye cream that contains anti-aging, to disguise the wrinkles on the face, neck and eye area. Use a moisturizer also contains anti-aging moisturizer atu in the morning.

4. Exercise regularly. Perform an hour every day. While exercising, the pores of the skin will sweat. That is, the skin clean itself naturally, so the blood circulation going smoothly, and increase skin metabolism. Select a sport such as yoga, pilates, or swimming.

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages!

6. Drink plenty of water. At least, drink 8 glasses of water per day. Lack of fluid in the body will have an effect directly on the skin, so skin looks scaly, dry, dull and loses its elasticity.

7. Take vitamins. Complete your daily intake of vitamins C and E every day, to keep skin looking beautiful and fresh.

8. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Expand foods contain fiber and vitamins. Vegetables and fruits can not only help expedite the process of metabolism and digestion, but also provide additional nutrients for the skin. Choose colorful fruits like papaya, tomatoes, oranges, apples, and foods made from vegetables sperti salad, gado-gado, Karedok, ointment, fresh vegetables. And do not forget to drink 1 glass of milk a day. If classified as obese, choose non-fat milk.

9. Sleep enough. Ideally, sleep under at 22:00 for 8 hours a day. Therefore, the process of skin repair and regeneration work effectively at 21.00-24.00.
17.31 | 0 komentar | Read More

Phase Aging in Men

MOST of us continue to follow the process of aging through the mirror. Here's what can and can not be seen by men as he watched her face and body for many years.

Twenties. At this age, a man began to show early signs of aging, though still vague as hair thinning, muscle weakness, and fatigue easily when exercising. However, this is not the time to hang up the sneakers, because the rate of burning calories in her body began to slow. It is important for him to give attention to diet and exercise.

Thirties. The lines and wrinkles begin to appear around the delicate eye and mouth when the skin begins to lose elasticity. Hearing begins to decline, especially if he likes to listen to music at full volume through speakers or earphones. Controlling cholesterol is important because the levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein, the harmful type of cholesterol) continues to climb, so does the hairline on the forehead. Meanwhile, HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is good begins to decline. Sometime after the age of about 35 years, gray hair began to appear, especially on the forehead, and belly began to bulge.

Forties. At this age, aging is increasingly expanding its power. Hair loss is more pronounced (at least in men who tend to be bald). Wrinkles, wrinkles appeared on the edge of the eyelid, also at the edges, and other lines start to appear. He may need glasses plus or dual focus when the lens of the eye starts to become stiff. But now can concentrate on things other than sex-libido began to decrease due to declining testosterone levels.

Fifties. There is some good news: after several decades continue to rise, eventually stops rising cholesterol levels. The bad news: Immune to decline, making it easier to get sick and infected. Gums began to change significantly, and the early signs of prostate problems begin to emerge, such as weak urine flow or jams. Fat under the jaw and chin and looks like a terraced maki.

Sixties. His weight began to fall due to diminished muscle mass, consequently the skin becomes loose and sag, especially around the arms and shoulders; bags under the eyes also become clear. Narrow shoulders and hair color fade. fortunately mentally he is still the same as 30 years ago; ability to solve the problem is still good.

Seventies. Her skin becomes more coarse and uneven color change, usually in the form of patches here and there. Aquiline nose becomes more and more width, ear lobe becomes thicker. Her sleep is reduced, which means it becomes easier due to improvements in body pain usually lasts for one to sleep soundly. His memory is also reduced.
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